I have taught a wide variety of undergraduate courses as a teaching assistant, ranging from general education lectures to upper-level lab and field courses.
Teaching Assistant, August 2020-present
University of Arizona
Geology Field Camp (GEOS414, Summer 24)
Physical Geology (GEOS251)
Historical Geology (GEOS255)
Sedimentology & Stratigraphy (GEOS302)
Geological Hazards (GEOS218)
Oceanography (GEOS212, twice)
Teaching Assistant, August 2018-May 2020
Montana State University
GIS and Cartography (GPHY284, twice)
Advanced GIS & Spatial Analysis (GPHY384)
Sedimentary Petrology (GEO443, twice)
Space Public Outreach Team (SPOT) Presenter, February 2016-August 2018
Montana Space Grant Consortium/NASA, Bozeman, MT
NASA presentations to K-12 public schools with the Montana Space Grant Consortium (MSGC).