caden howlett
field geologist | science communicator
La Ramada Massif
High Andes, Argentina
Photo by Chance B Ronemus
Hi :) I am an interdisciplinary field geologist at the University of Arizona broadly interested in the long-term behavior of the outermost shell of planet Earth. My dissertation focuses on the structural and thermal evolution of Cordilleran fold-thrust belts. I am especially interested in the Andes between 32-35°S and the Helena salient of west-central Montana. My M.S. work was in western Montana, focusing on the development of the Anaconda metamorphic core complex.
I am a structural geologist and thermochronologist who integrates geologic mapping, field observation, low-T thermochron, geochronology, and various modeling techniques. Our team considers datasets in a regional context, enabling the testing and/or creation of geodynamic models. I am actively involved in field-based projects in the Andes, western interior USA, and south-central Tibet.
I'm passionate about science communication, writing essays on topics in science and philosophy on my Instagram and creating YouTube videos that focus on sharing modern geoscience research and tips for success at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
My first book is NOW AVAILABLE (preview video below)
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