caden howlett
field geologist | science communicator
La Ramada Massif
High Andes, Argentina
Photo by Chance B Ronemus
Hi :) I am an interdisciplinary field geologist at the University of Arizona broadly interested in the long-term behavior of the outermost shell of planet Earth. My dissertation focuses on the structural and thermal evolution of Cordilleran fold-thrust belts. I am especially interested in the Andes between 32-35°S and the Helena salient of west-central Montana. My M.S. work was in western Montana, focusing on the development of the Anaconda metamorphic core complex.
I am a structural geologist and thermochronologist who integrates geologic mapping, field observation, low-T thermochron, geochronology, and various modeling techniques. Our team integrates datasets spanning micro- to macroscopic scales within a regional context to test and develop tectonic and geodynamic models. I am involved in field-based projects in Argentina, Chile, the western interior USA, and south-central Tibet.
I'm passionate about science communication, dedicating significant time to online outreach efforts focusing on modern geoscience + planetary science research and tips for success at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
My book is available now (preview video below)
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